I've been thinking about trying to make a low profile focusser for my Skywatcher telescope for a while. A few things to learn before I'm ready for the whole thing.
One thing I'd not tried before was a curve in the Z axis on the mill. The back of the focusser needs to mate with the outside curve of the telescope tube (350mm diameter).
The standard focusser has a base plate around 110*110mm square. I cut a piece of aluminium almost that size out of some scrap and set up the code to cut the curve.
The code aspect is pretty simple, I used the G18 (XZ plane) element then worked my way back and forward along the material using G2 and G3 cut's with a radius of 175.
The cutting commands are in two subroutines
(Cut the Arc)
G01 Z0 F30
G02 X108.5 R175 F25
G90 G00 Z2
(Cut the Arc)
G01 Z0 F30
G03 X1.5 R175 F25
G90 G00 Z2
and the main body contains a whole lot of sets of move in the Y axis and start a subroutine commands
G00 X1.5 Y0
M98 P1
G01 Y1
M98 P2
G01 Y105
M98 P1
G01 Y106
M98 P2
I used a 3mm cutter on fairly slow feed rates so it took a very long time to cut (and I still need to do a final cut) but the result looks as expected (I'll try and post a photo in the near future).
The surface is composed of a series of small groves due to the shape of the cutter, I don't think that they will cause me any problem.
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